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Smiles and confidence…latest research

New study shows three quarters of British adults believe their confidence would improve if their smile was corrected  A recent national study questioned 2,027 UK adults on their satisfaction with their smile and their thoughts on wearing a visible fixed…

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Getting there!

Hi Sandra here! We've had a very busy month here at the practice with renovations and events so it's been a while since I posted(Sorry!). So I said I best keep everyone up to date on my progress! I have…

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Week 2!

Hi! Sandra here again! Coming into my third week I am well and truly used to the feeling of the aligners in my mouth and there has been no pain, which is great!  I have been getting adventurous and tested…

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Defy Aging with a Confident Smile

People joke about the mid-life crisis – I prefer to call it a mid-life wake up. Changes that happen are very real.  Lifestyles change as children move out, or as needs increase for aging parents. Hormonal changes and reduced energy…

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The Beginning!

Hi I'm Sandra, I'm a dental nurse here in Clontarf Orthodontics and I just got braces!  You are probably aware of Invisalign from our blog posts to date but this blog is going to be about my own journey and…

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