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Invisalign Party tips & tricks
Hi All,
Sandra here, popping in one last time before Christmas! I said I would be back with tips and tricks to help you get through the Christmas with Invisalign, so here’s how i plan on surviving.
We had our Christmas party on Friday just gone. I knew it would be a big night out so I made sure to be extra good at wearing the aligners for the last few weeks and I worked up an extra couple of hours wear through not snacking and only leaving them out for 20 mins while having my meals.
So on the night of our party I left them out through the meal and for a few drinks after before having to pop them back in.
I wish I had stopped the drinks when I put my Invisalign back in but not for treatment reasons! :P I stuck to clear drinks,such as white wine, so as to avoid staining. Every so often I’d pop into the bathroom and give them and my teeth a quick rinse.
Over the Christmas it’s hard to turn down the odd snack, or refuse the tin of roses when it comes round. These are my tips to help manage the wearing of aligners when surrounded by temptation!
1. Try and get it all done in one sitting- so if you have your aligners out for dinner, try and tie the tea and biscuits too. Taking out the aligners in front of family is not as big an issue but if you’re out visiting friends or relatives its good to bare this in mind.
2. Parties are inevitable, so be prepared! First and foremost make sure to bring your invisalign box with you. Stick to clear drinks and keep a glass of water with you. Bring a travel brush with you if you can if not just periodically rinse the aligners out at a bathroom sink. You can still enjoy a night out with Invisalign, the point is the work with your life.
There are lots of benefits to invisalign during the festive period. You can socialise and not feel self conscious about wearing braces. Also you can eat all the Christmas nosh you like! So enjoy eating your Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. If you have any questions or need some advice dont hesitate to let me know, that’s what this blog is here for!