This short post will provide patients with advice on how to look after their braces…

My Invisalign Treatment prediction Video
Its REALLY exciting when you see your “ClinCheck” video. All invisalign patients will have a Clincheck video which can also be sent to their dentist. It outlines your treatment step by step and gives you a clear picture of what is going to happen during your treatment. No one does technology like invisalign!!!
Here is one of my invisalign videos, this one shows the bottom teeth. I think it’s really cool that you can see what is going to change and encourages me to stick with the treatment no matter what knowing what the outcome will be. I’ve wanted those front lower teeth straight for a long time so it’s exciting to see that they will be. Let me know what you think!
This post is by Sandra Dental nurse at Clontarf Orthodontics and currently wearing invislign….happy to answer any queries!
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