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To another great year!

Coming to the end of another year we are feeling a little nostalgic at Clontarf Orthodontics …so much has happened this year we wanted to share some of our highlights!


ClaireWe have a new team member Claire Connolly. Claire not only manages the front of house, she also helps with social media, marketing and charitable events.

Our social media presence has gone from strength to strength in the last few years and we have now topped 3200 likes on facebook and are close to 700 followers on Twitter. We are just setting up an Instagram account too!


Sandra our dental assistant was selected for a place on the DSA training programme in the Dublin Dental Hospital this year and is studying hard. Hopefully this will lead to a long rewarding career in orthodontics and dentistry. sandraShe also started invisalign® treatment and is now only 1 more aligner away from the perfect smile. She has been writing a blog on her experiences with her treatment which generated lots of great feedback. It was also a real help to our many invisalign® patients to have a staff member going through the same experience as them and have someone to liase with on any queries.

Kate our hygienist continues to be as popular as ever with our patients. Kate completed her own clear braces treatment earlier this year.



Dr Tom Canning set up Clontarf Aesthetic Dentistry at our premises in September and
his service is a great addition to Clontarf. We are delighted to have him operating from our premises. He specialises in prosthodontics which is advanced dentistry like implants veneers and crowns.


We took part in UGDO (Ultimate Girls Day Out) in August which was a really fun 3 days at the RDS and got to meet lots of interesting people…..We also completely renovated the practice during August and now have a pale blue front door and a brand new surgery.

Shona OSI confShona has been very involved in the OSI (Orthodontic Society of Ireland) for the last couple of years as scientific secretary. This was a busy role and involved organising the conferences for the last few years and bringing top international speakers to Dublin. The last conference she had responsibility for was in November in Dromoland Castle which was a great success. She also celebrated 25 years practicing as a dentist in November with a big class reunion in Dublin and thoroughly enjoyed meeting up with lots of old friends and colleagues.

Clontarf Orthodontics  joined the Smile Revolution group this year. This is a group of 20 specialist  orthodontic practices that have come together to promote the highest standards in invisalign treatment. There is a weekend away in Ritz Powerscourt on offer currently on their facebook page –check it out at

We rounded off the year with a very special charity event – our giving tree in Aid of St Vincent de Paul. This was very well supported by staff suppliers and patients and we hope it will become an annual event. Our Xmas party in Cleaver East  was a well-deserved night out for all the team!

We started and finished many interesting cases this year and hope we have served our community well. We look forward to creating more smiles in Clontarf and the surrounding area in 2015.

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Shona Claire Sandra and Kate

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