Johns Hopkins University has sent this detailed note on avoiding the contagion: The virus is…

Christmas Cheer!
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is sing loud for all to hear”
….or with a smile from ear to ear!
This year we are hoping to put a smile on the face of many young children in our community. We have teamed up with the St Vincent De Paul “Giving Tree” appeal, and want everyone to join us! The Giving Tree is about helping out underprivileged families so they have something to wake up to on Christmas morning. We have tags hanging on our Christmas tree that give you a child to buy a gift for. The gift can be whatever you like, SVP ask that the gifts be unused and to the value of at least €10. How much you would like to spend is up to you. We would love for everyone, patients and local businesses alike, to get together and give back. Feel good about your Christmas knowing that you’ve made someone else’s Christmas hopes a reality.
Feel free to drop in anytime to collect a tag or drop off a gift. Thank you and Merry Christmas!