Here at Clontarf Orthodontics, Dublin 3 we are taking lots of extra precautions to protect…
Choose the Right Orthodontist
When choosing an orthodontist it is important to ask the right questions.
Check qualifications
• Some dentists (including ‘cosmetic dentists’) who provide orthodontic treatment have only had a few hours training in procedures to straighten teeth. So it is advisable to ask the orthodontist/ dentist how much training they have had in orthodontics and with the type of brace they are proposing to fit
• Orthodontists have first trained as general dentists (by completing five years of dental undergraduate training) and have then undertaken a further three years of training in orthodontics to qualify as orthodontic specialists and are recognised as such by the Dental Council of Ireland.
Consider all the options
• Any specialist orthodontist will discuss all the possible types of brace that can be used to correct your teeth. You should be wary if you are only offered one option or one type of brace.
Don’t expect a quick fix
• While it is true that simple straightening of the front teeth can be carried out in as little as six months, this is not always a long-term solution. It often takes at least 12 months to get the teeth fully corrected, biting correctly and in harmony with the jaws and lips.